Thursday, May 27, 2010

Called to Serve!!!

So I sent this picture with my mission papers... :) 

Where in the world  could I be going??? 

SO excited and SO nervous at the same time!!

I am called to serve in the Taiwan Taichung Mission (Mandarin Chinese speaking)!!! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day!

I love St. Patrick's Day so much!! It has always been one of my very most favorite holidays. :) Even though I am like 1/8th Irish already (through my daddy's side),
 I think everyone becomes Irish on St. Patrick's Day!! LOL Its so fun! Green is my favorite color and I love that everyone celebrates holiday by wearing lots of it!

One fun little tradition that my family has on St. Patrick's day is we have an Irish dinner with cabbage and Corn beef brisket. I always look forward to St. Patrick's day dinner!  It is so delicious! 

When I was a lot younger my family watched "Darby O'Gill and the Little People" with Sean Connery and it just kinda stuck with us. We tend to only pull it out once a year though because as much as I LOVE it, its way cheesy and silly. haha! :) This movie is kinda tender to me because when I was a little girl my dad would call me his 'little irish girl' and sing to me the song from this movie. 

I don't necessarily recommend this movie to everyone because it really is extremely cheesy!! . . .but I LOVE it so much!! If you like St. Patrick's Day, Ireland, stories of gold, Leprechauns, magic and 'nonstop shenanigans' then this movie is for you! =P lol 


Monday, March 15, 2010

I love my missionary! :)

Elder Matthew Hall :) is doing so wonderful so far in the mission. He is working hard and he loves the people in Brazil! I miss him so much but I am so proud of him and I look forward to getting his letters each week.
at the Provo Temple while in the MTC.Matt with one of his companions, Elder Swanson, in the MTC.
heading to Brazil ! :)This one is without a doubt one of my favorite pictures!! ^ _ ^ he he!
These are some of the first pictures he sent home from Itapoa, Vila Velha -> his first area. :)
I love this one! 

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spinner Boy is LOVing Life!

Spencer LOVES our swing outside! I got to take him out there a lot during the summer time but it is way to cold now. We do a lot of indoor activities instead. :) He is so cute!! The yellow shirt he's wearing above is the one I got him from China. He looks so good in it, huh? 

He was curious enough to help me with the dishes one day. This was such a fun activity with him!! He loves water and he thought the sponge was really interesting. haha :)

This was the day he finally made the connection what the camera actually does. He would always get so mad at me every time I pulled it out. One day I showed him a picture of himself on the display screen from a few days earlier. You could tell by the interest in his face he made a small connection and when I showed him a few others he couldn't stop giggling. I had my mom snap this one really fast and Spencer practically ripped it out of our hands so he could see it. I am so happy he understands it now. Maybe it will start getting a little easier to take more pictures of him. :)
He likes everything to be just perfect. Right order, right placement, right objects... If you don't do it JUST right he'll be sure to make you do it again. haha

We've recently gotten him to engage in these older toys in our game closet from a long time ago. I think they were Sierra's toys at one point but he is loving them so much! 

Friday, January 8, 2010

More pics of Me and Matt - I really miss him. :)

Our group date with Becca and a bunch of other people. We had so much fun!! :)

Gosh, I love him! :)

Jazz game!! 

Ice Skating! 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nerdy for Halloween!

Matt and I did NOT dress up as nerds for our first Halloween together... haha we just went as ourselves and people mistook us for nerds... :)  Just kidding! We had so much fun dressing up. It is an easy costume but so so much fun!! We went to a Halloween dance with our some of our friends. We actually went with Danny Paniagua, the boy who introduced Matt and I. 
My hair was really huge in pig tails... lol Really nerdy but that is kinda normal for me. I LOVE Matt's suspenders!! haha I told him he should wear them everyday. Maybe he'll listen to my advice. :)
Isn't this hat AMAZING?!? It is an umbrella - but on your head. haha

My friend Liz Larsen and her boyfriend Tyler came a long with us. 

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kevin's Battle of the Bands

This was such a great show! Kevin's original band, The Continentals, weren't able to play so they got a few of the people in their band and added a few more random people. It ended up being really great still. I love their music and supporting them!
Matt even came up to support my brother. :) This is my favorite picture of us together!!
Kevin was awesome and got everyone excited when he sang and played 'Wake Up' by Arcade Fire.